Thursday 12 March 2015

@FemiMP: [rejoinder] On @BiolaKazeem’s ‘Why Jimi Agbaje cannot be the smart person’s choice’


 by @FemiMP

The Biola Kazeem I know is a sports journalist who I admire – young and articulate. I even enjoy his pro-Manchester united banters with fellow EPL team supporters.
It was however refreshing to see him write a political piece/opinion – not that he didn’t have a right to write one, but again that attests to the dexterity of this multi-talented sports aficionado.

One cannot deny that the 2015 electioneering process has been an interesting one, with more youths becoming more politically conscious. Biola’s piece on “Why Jimi Agbaje cannot be the smart person’s choice” has also galvanized me to do something I rarely do – write a political rejoinder.
I have taken my time to write this rejoinder to address the issues raised in Biola’s piece to ensure that the public is enlightened and all mis-information (from whoever) is cleared in a civil, apolitical manner –this is my mere contribution to the political discourse as a Lagosian. I am not a writer, so pardon my long response.

The profile of JK is in public custody, so I will not bore anyone with details. Let me however acknowledge Biola’s assertion, of the well-run, fresh air campaign that JK ran in 2007; the Lagos political landscape was truly redefined by JK’s entry into the elective political office contest of 2007. If not for anything, it identified JK as a different kind of charismatic leader – the one Lagosians and by extension Nigerians can trust and identify with.
But this is the 2015 elections and ‘Biola has raised some issues about this quintessential activist and fine gentleman, which I would now attempt to address:
First he accuses JK of a “readiness and willingness to do anything to win the race, which flies in the face of his pretensions of being different”. To support his line of thought, ‘Biola refers to the controversial Lagos PDP Guber primaries which produced JK as the party’s flag bearer further hammering on the quick withdrawal of the campaign team’s response to the media on that matter.
‘Biola would however gloss over JK’s personal apology on behalf of his media to the other contestants for the embarrassment the media release caused! If that single action does not underline a departure from the typical Nigerian politician, please tell me what then is! Most Nigerian politicians as we all know would rather sweep an issue under the carpet, point accusing fingers to another rather than take the blame or even apologize! JK, a man of transparent integrity and humility rather apologized! Biola sadly missed this, deliberately?
‘Biola would further ask how JK colluded with other elements in the PDP to abuse a democratic system (the primaries) and claim to be a different Nigerian politician? This self-serving question would make one think: Is ‘Biola a PDP member in the first place to have first-hand knowledge of JK’s collusion to abuse the democratic process of a party’s primary?
However since I am not a member of the PDP, Biola would need to give more facts as to how he arrived at this conclusion. One may however wish to take cognizance of the information by the PDP in the public domain concerning the excess votes at the PDP primary as an innocent mistake of the clerical omission of some ad hoc and statutory delegates.
His second issue is the lack of substance in JK’s Bold Ideas. ‘Biola discountenances them as being mere populist lacking in real value! Sadly, ‘Biola has not mentioned what is wrong in being populist. I am also tempted to think that the intelligent ‘Biola did not or refused to go through JK’s manifesto of ‘Bold Ideas’ (christened the SHELTER framework) before arriving at this warped conclusion. Biola must not forget one of Sun Tzu’s famed war quote – Know thine enemy!(paraphrased), which underlines the fact that  you cannot fight (or disprove) what you do not know! I advise Biola to go through JK’s manifesto and educate himself – here’s a link to it:
Specifically, ‘Biola mentioned the LCC toll gate along Lekki-Epe expressway. The expansion of this expressway, reputed to be one of the busiest in the West Africa sub-region is a laudable PPP project. But I will attempt to enumerate my understanding of JK’s position on the tolling of this expressway:
  •  In the first place, the road was merely upgraded not a new construction (unlike the Ikoyi-Lekki link bridge) and putting 3 tolls (as proposed) on the 50km road was unexplainable
  • There are no better road alternatives for the masses to using the expanded expressway.
  • The LASG has paid-off the concessionaire, making the LCC a solely owned government enterprise.
  • The entire process/transaction was at best opaque and riddled with vested interests
To put it clearly, JK’s decision to cancel the toll at the Lekki-Epe expressway is actually a progressive initiative – and the masses have clearly identified with this! The refurbished expressway indeed may have added value, but certainly, without the tolls, government would have added a face!
It is also erroneous to compare tolling at the Lekki-Epe expressway to the FAAN toll gate or MM2 PPP, which is under the FG’s purview.
I don’t understand ‘Biola’s aversion to free Wi-Fi, maybe the LASG should explain better to him why they commissioned 100 new buses, that are Wi-Fi enabled! It seems though while ‘Biola is not reading JK’s manifestos, some people are reading JK’s lips!
On the motorcycle (okada) issue, JK’s position is well known. JK started by interrogating why an aspirant would dole out crash helmets for okada riders at his campaign prior to the elections, only to assume office and clamp down on these okada riders. Indeed, the LASG has restricted the movement of Okada to certain roads as a result of reckless driving causing accidents and robbery incidents, and this is commendable; however JK averred again that the entire clampdown lacked a human face! People lost their means of livelihood as their okadas were confiscated and destroyed! Most of them were not criminals, just people looking for an honest source of livelihood! Some of these Okada riders were pensioners who have not been paid their pensions! Some of them were intending tertiary education students who couldn’t afford school fees yet!
And  taxes? JK identified a leak in the tax structure and mainly proffered to: eliminate multiple taxation, widen the tax net, remove vested interests and stop the conversion of government-owned regulatory/social agencies into tax-monitoring or revenue generating agencies. I’m sure that the idea of a courteous LASTMA official volunteering to help you remove your broken down car in the middle of the road rather asking for your tax clearance certificate at such a dire circumstance puts a smile on your face already! These are not valueless promises, rather a bold message to bring a human face to governance.
I would not want to contribute to your personality attack – so I would refrain from your opinion on JK and Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. These are great Lagosians, but you would agree that the interest of Lagos and Lagosians is bigger than both of them combined.
I find your insinuation that JK is a man of unreasonable thoughts very disturbing too. JK has at various fora clarified his statement on the South-South militancy – it would be mischievous for you to quote that statement out of context. On President Jonathan’s fight against corruption, I can hazard a guess that JK was referring to Transparency’s International Corruption index of Nigeria – 98 out of 99 countries in 1999, to 136 out of 175 countries in 2014.
At the youth event for Mr. President recently in Lagos, I missed what ‘Biola saw in JK’s speech that points out that JK is not in the race for himself. ‘Biola seemed to forget that it was an event for the President not for JK’s gubernatorial aspiration.
And then to JK’s purported empty CV! I sincerely doubt if ‘Biola has seen JK’s CV. Suffice to say he’s read some mumbo-jumbo on JK being peddled around. I would advice ‘Biola to look at the right places. Here’s a link to JK’s profile: . JK even has a documentary, here’s the link:
I am tempted to ask if ‘Biola knows what to look for in the CV of an aspirant for public service or he’s just looking for an avenue to launch a diatribe against this social activist, thorough professional and fine gentleman? However, I take consolation in the fact that my understanding of ‘Biola as an avid but fickle football fan (and most football fans are fickle), explains his confession of being un-inspired by JK’s achievements!
In conclusion, it is evident that ‘Biola’s piece is one littered with lack of information or mis-information garnished with a lot of concocted ideas and virulent statements. ‘Biola’s microscope which he uses to scrutinize JK, has sadly been fixed with the wrong lenses! In his last paragraph, his attempt to paint JK as a puppet is strange and if one had not been reading the article from the beginning, his conspiracy theory was actually AKIN to another gubernatorial candidate (no pun intended). In all sincerity, a truly smart person would easily see through ‘Biola’s poisoned chalice of an article.


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