Sunday 1 February 2015

THE WORD FOR TODAY - 29/01/2015

The UCB Word For Today

29 Jan 2015
'He will empower you with inner strength.' Ephesians 3:16
For fifteen years Dr Robert Schuller's secretary Lois battled cancer, and for every one of them she served God faithfully. Schuller writes: 'I don't think I ever met anyone more courageous. Some days she was so ill... getting out of bed took all the strength she had! She'd deliberately fall out of bed, walk on her hands and knees to the bathroom, reach for the sink and pull herself up. She'd force herself to get dressed, stumble into the kitchen, drink some water, eat a dry piece of toast, search for her purse, and walk to the door. Perspiration pouring off her forehead, she'd look at her husband and say, "Well, Ralph, I think I can make it now." Then she'd get into her car and drive to church. She was always there before me, and when I arrived with my usual greeting, "Good morning, how are you?" she'd always smile and say, "Great!" I never knew until after her funeral what she went through... Only God can give you that kind of courage.' The Bible says, 'From his... unlimited resources [God] will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.' There are many ways to say it, but none more eloquent than the hymnist Annie Johnson Flint, who put it like this: 'When we have exhausted our store of endurance; when our strength has failed ere the day is half-done; When we reach the end of our hoarded resources our Father's full giving has only begun. His love has no limit... His grace has no measure... His power no boundary known unto men. For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.'
Bible in a Year: Ex 12-13 Matt 16;
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The Word For Today is written by Bob and Debby Gass.

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