Monday, 9 March 2015

#Lagos2015: Why Jimi Agbaje cannot be the smart person’s choice

By Biola Kazeem

Jimi Agbaje

Jimi Agbaje came into the consciousness of Lagosians in 2007 when he ran for the governorship of the state on the platform of the now defunct DPA party.
With a refreshing and exciting campaign, he captured not a few hearts and minds as a third force in a race that was dominated by candidates of the PDP and the ACN, Musiliu Obanikoro and Babatunde Fashola. His campaign was a breath of fresh air and resonated with not a few people. Aesthetically pleasing and different, it was clear that he had availed himself the services of a top notch communications agency which helped craft and communicate his message clearly and attractively. His performance at the debate was also eye-catching. Soft spoken but assertive, articulate and eloquent, he came across as a man who was well read and quite urbane. The general impression was that with a stronger political platform, he could become a very strong candidate.

While being a third force helped him connect with some of the electorate, it also helped him avert something that is fundamental to the candidate-vetting process in a democracy: scrutiny. With media attention firmly fixed on the candidates of PDP and ACN, Agbaje flew under the radar and his readiness, beliefs, experience and abilities were not vigorous examined.

As a candidate of the PDP in this elections however, the klieg lights have turned on Agbaje. While he has retained elements of his old campaign while infusing new ones, he has appealed to quite a number of voters and is clearly a stronger candidate this time around. He still has the charisma, style and eloquence but has shown that he has several chinks in the armour and would be a very poor choice for Lagos should he get elected.

The first point to validate this is his readiness and willingness to do anything to win the race which flies in the face of his pretensions of being different. He emerged as a governorship candidate of the PDP through primaries that stood the concept of democracy on its head. Bedeviled with many discrepancies, the primaries will be remembered as one in which 806 delegates produced 863 votes. After several protestations by other candidates led by former Minister of State for defence, Musiliu Obanikoro, Agbaje’s campaign concocted a response to the media that it quickly withdrew. Even though Obanikoro traded his loud protestations for another ministerial posting, the question that remains is how Mr Agbaje can collude with other elements in the PDP to abuse a democratic system and still lay claim to being different and a departure from the typical Nigerian politician.

The other weakness of Mr Agbaje’s candidature is the lack of substance in his “Bold Ideas.” Other than being mere populist promises lacking in real value to the progression of Lagos State, Agbaje’s promises are almost laughable.

He promises to return Okada back to the expressways. He also promises that he would cancel the Lekki tollgate thereby cutting a means of revenue for the maintenance costs for an excellent  road that has added real value to the lives of those who live in that corridor not to talk of jobs for those who operate it. Curiously, Mr Agbaje has stayed silent on the toll being collected at the FAAN toll gate despite the worsening state of that road. His promise of free wifi is also a pretension at boldness at best. With smart phones and data services easily affordable, how bold an idea is that in the true sense of it? His promise to cut taxes even in the face of dwindling resources from the Federal Government borders on irresponsibility particularly because no attempt has been made to explain how the shortfall in revenue will be bridged. In all, the entire essence of Agbaje’s bold ideas is simply valueless promises  disguised as smart ideas aimed at luring unsuspecting voters

Another surprising weakness of his candidature is his deceptive and pretentious morphing into a liberation fighter, willing and ready to free the people of Lagos he imagines are in bondage even though the facts say otherwise. Playing on the sentiments of a few misguided souls that he mistakenly considers the general view, he has exerted a lot of his energies focusing on a cause that is nonexistent and a person that is not on the ballot. His painting of Bola Tinubu as the archenemy of progress in Lagos is disgraceful to say the least and shows Mr Agbaje to be a desperate man. Not without his flaws, Asiwaju Tinubu will always be remembered for creating a platform for the rebirth of Lagos and for passing the test of succession in flying colors, a test most Nigerian leaders fail almost by default. The anti-Tinubu cause is a fight Mr Agbaje leads on behalf of Chief  Bode George, a man who remains a bigwig of the PDP despite a conviction for stealing-or corruption, take your pick- and his inability to win his ward since 1999. If anything, Mr Agbaje was a close associate of Tinubu till he was overlooked in the race for Governorship in 2007. The fact remains that Tinubu’s administration started the massive urban renewal Lagos state has witnessed and developed the system that completely revolutionized the internally generated revenue system of the state to one that is a model and envied all over Africa. Mr Agbaje’s misguided war on all things Tinubu is the personal war of Chief Bode George, his benefactor and godfather and as a loyal and obedient lackey, he has to champion the cause.

Mr Agbaje’s utterances in recent times also show clearly that he is a man of unreasonable thoughts, willing to do and say anything just to stay onside with his benefactors. No sooner had he won the PDP ticket in Lagos than he started issuing threats to Nigerians to vote the failed president or face the wrath of the south-south militants. He also said that Mr Jonathan has done more to fight corruption than anyone in Nigeria history, a statement at variance with the globally acknowledged fact that Mr Jonathan actually promotes, encourages and defends corrupt officials in his government.

His disjointed speech at the youth event for Mr Jonathan in Lagos recently where he attacked General Buhari’s person shows clearly that Mr Agbaje is not the man he claims to be and is in this race for himself and his group of backers and financiers who are hell-bent on winning Lagos for vanity purposes. Mr Agbaje was merely auditioned and selected for the lead role knowing that he has the looks and charisma to deceive a few people. With the scrutiny that comes with being a strong candidate however, Mr Agbaje is faltering and his many weaknesses and pretences are turning away voters in droves. If Agbaje truly believes the things he says, then we are left to wonder as to how he arrives at these conclusions that are contrary to common sense and how he would apply the same thinking process to running Lagos in the unlikely event that he wins.

The final point is Mr Agbaje’s empty CV, aversion to boldness and shocking lack of achievement despite being presented with the best opportunities in life. Born to a wealthy family,  Agbaje’s main achievement remains running a small pharmacy which has stagnated in an industry that has seen the rapid growth of new entrants and a few leadership positions limited to his professional association. With a father who was the former chairman of a bank and a younger brother who presently runs one of Nigeria’s biggest banks, one would have thought that a man who professes bold ideas would have applied a few to his life and business and done a lot more with his life and taken more risks. The clearest way to know who and what a man truly is remains a simple examination of what he has done and not what he says he will do. Mr Agbaje’s life and achievements are so uninspiring and mediocre for someone who had the fortune of his circumstances of birth that one wonders how he might have turned out had his circumstances been more difficult. The question then becomes how a man who has remained cautious and averse to boldness in his business can suddenly become bold in running the affairs of over 20 million people. It is a big ask and a significant gamble particularly when one considers the great work the outgoing Governor has done and the cabal of Bode George, Ogunlewe, Kashamu Buruji, Musilius Obaniikoro and other characters that are propping up Mr Agbaje.

The last thing Lagos needs now is a reversal of the course of progress that the present administration has consolidated. To hand the state to a man with no real high level experience in government or achievement in his career or business would not be a smart choice. Time there was when Jimi Agbaje was an attractive candidate but not anymore. Under microscopic scrutiny, his candidacy falls apart from what it is, a careful orchestrated plot to lure the good people of Lagos state into the hands of former convicts, former murder suspects, wanted drug barons and a conspirator in the rape of democracy in Ekiti who have all sought cover under the good looks of Agbaje. A truly smart person will see through the ruse easily. The hope is that there are a lot more TRULY smart people in Lagos than those who pretend to be smart but are truly not.

Eko o ni baje o!

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