Monday 23 February 2015

Open Letter To Coca-Cola By An Angry Consumer

 The ongoing Coca-Cola “Share A Coke” campaign has really gotten loads of consumers worked up as they are yet to find their names on a Coca-Cola bottle. A Consumer @dj_staffy wrote an open letter to them on their Instagram page. It’s hilarious! The dude is really pained. LOL

Read below:


The MD/CEO Coca Cola Nigeria and Worldwide


Let me start by saying a ‘Big kudos’ to your company for a fantastic idea, “Share A Coke”. It’s indeed an awesome innovation! But then let me quickly bring to your notice that  following the wonderful strategy of share a coke, collect a coke or buy a coke, whatever name you call it. Where someone’s name is written on the (plastic) Coke bottle or Can.

I have noticed with total dismay that ‘Nobody Has Shared or Bought any form or shape of Coke for me’! And this is because, according to my little research, your company hasn’t deemed it fit to include my name, Avalon, on your ‘Share A Coke’ production plans. This is grossly unacceptable! Considering the fact that i own several t-shirts with an inscription of the above brand and I am a bonafide card carrying member of the Coca Cola drinking family, because I have been drinking
Coke since I was born.

This thing is painful! Having presented this case of deliberate exclusion of my name from the ‘Share A Coke’ strategy which has denied me of my ‘Customer and Membership Right’ respectively, I would like to use this medium to request at this point, that your company should, as a matter of urgency, produce some bottles of Coke with my name, boldly written on it “AVALON”, in whatever shape or size, so that people can share at least a bottle of Coke with me occasionally, if not daily.

Please, kindly note that if after 3days from the day this letter must have gotten to you, and I’m yet to see anybody share a coke with me, I’ll publicly tear my Coca Cola membership card and make sure I invite ChannelsTv to cover it, then I and my family, relatives and anybody that knows me will stop drinking Coca Cola no matter how many times your advert plays on TV/Radio.

Thanks as I anticipate your timely response. Yours faithfully,


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