Tuesday 27 January 2015

THE WORD FOR TODAY - 27/01/2015

The UCB Word For Today
27 Jan 2015
'Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.' Mark 10:43
Two more questions you should constantly ask yourself are: 1) Am I willing to serve others? You say you want to be a leader? Why? Until you answer that question with the right motives, God won't promote you. Sometimes we just want to be in control. Other times we don't want to pay the price for success. We just want the perks that come with it: a corner office, a higher salary, a respected title, and the admiration of others. Jesus said, 'Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.' Leadership puts you in a position to take care of your own needs first--to set yourself up--before helping others. That's always a temptation and it's always wrong! You must genuinely care about people and help them to reach their potential. When you do that you're honouring God and He will honour you. 2) Am I doing what I'm called to do? 'We have different gifts, according to the grace given us' (Romans 12:6 NIV). Samuel Johnson said, 'Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess... and gain applause which he cannot keep.' If you're harbouring a mental image of the qualities talented people are supposed to have and you don't possess, you'll have a hard time finding your true strengths. Henry Ford remarked, 'The question, "Who ought to be the boss?" is like asking, "Who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?" Obviously, the man who can sing tenor.' To succeed in life, you must know what God gifted you to do.
Bible in a Year: Ex 7-8 Matt 15:1-20;
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The Word For Today is written by Bob and Debby Gass.

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